Saturday, September 12, 2009

It only ends once

Fellow blogger briguyx suggested over at jopinionated that I should blog about Lost, and I thought, why not. While shooting for the final season already started on Hawaii, and LA X a mere 130 days away, this is the perfect time to get going.

On Doc Arzt is a story about the Seattle Bumbershoot Panel of Carlton Cuse, Adam Horowitz, Eddy Kitsis, and Doc Jensen. Carlton told the story again how the gang travelled to Maine, visiting Stephen King, and how they watched Descent together. He compared the planned end of Lost next year with the way TV-Shows usually end like a Pony-Express horse, they drop out from underneath you. The interesting part is, they reused the Comicon films, and Cuse said definite clues were embedded in them. Which is good news for Kates father, he is a healthy plumber in this timeline. So LA X will really show Oceanic 815 landing safely in California, the day: September 22. 2004. Kate will be in custody, though, for killing her fathers apprentice. The question is, when will their knowledge kick in? If the explosion of Jugheads core was able to change The Incident, and the plane was not ripped apart in midair over the bookclub-meeting with burned muffins, did they receive their memories that moment when Jacob touched them in Timeline A? I don't think so. because then they would be totally asynchronus. My best guess is the moment when Desmond turned the failsafe key. But wait, no Swan, no 108 Minutes, no key. Hmm. There is this big spoiler at Darkufo, which I managed to avoid. So maybe the land safe in LA, and remember nothing at first. And then it comes to them as a flash, in the middle of the night. We'll see.

What about Ben?
Yep, what about him. What happened to young Ben in the Temple after Richard carried him in there? If the Temple works as a doorway between Timelines, okay, unlikely, was it possible that Richard replaced the wounded boy with a kid from a parallel universe, in which Sayid missed vital organs? In any case, Ben would grow up without knowledge from further stages of the loop. It seems that the only way to carry your memories with you is Jacobs touch.

Well, Ben touched Jacob.


  1. I couldn't be more pleased that I was the spark that caused you to start this blog! Then again, as you've listed Australia as your home, it's only natural that you would be a "Lost" savant!

  2. Hey, thanks brigux, your comment was really inspirational. Of course I will still spam Jos comments, as I just did…
