Thursday, February 4, 2010

Somewhere beyond the sea

We'll kiss just as before
Happy we'll be, beyond the sea
And never again I'll go sailin'

The sailin' is not over for us, yet. Everybody happy on Oceanic 815, as planned. Jack has a new haircut, plus he cut himself shaving or something, and the airline dispatched a different plane. The seats are rather gray than blue. Desmond is aboard, reading Salman Rushdie for a change. And then… the dramatic Pre-Title-Climax: The Island is drowned, including sonic fence, Dharmaville and Tawaret. BOOM.

What happened?

A couple of years ago Damon stated in the Lost Audio Podcast that the Hatch may have moved sideways after Desmond turned the failsafe key. Now we have a whole sideways (which I will call Lost B) universe to explore. A universe in which Kate did not kill her father, but his apprentice, and in which Hurley is the luckiest dude on the planet. (Really sweet that he is flying coach). Christian is still dead, but missing, and Locke is still paralysed… but Jack tells him that nothing is irreversible, with him performing neurological spinal surgery at St. Sebastian and all. So we will witness the totally awesome moment were Jack cures Locke in Lost B this season. What a payback for their relationship in Lost Prime. Talking about Lost Prime, the main timeline we followed the last 5 years, in which the crew jumped 30 years into the future after Juliet banged long enough on Jughead's core. Too late for Hurley to save 'The Phantom Menace', but he will rise to the occasion anyway, later in the Temple. Kate finds herself in a tree, but unlike Desmond with her underware in place! They are at the post-failsafe Hatch, and amazingly Juliet travelled with them. Sawyer blames Jack for her useless death, but she tells him post mortem via Miles that the plan worked…
which is hard to see right now, from the Lost Prime perspective. For them, nothing changed, except the jump from 1977 to 2007, but still in their timeline. Bear with me here for a moment. Faradays plan was to counter the incident with Jughead's fission core, to negate the catastrophic results of Radzinsky's drilling into the exotic energy pocket. And that plan worked. Lost Prime is the result.

Flash sideways to Lost B…

Oceanic 815 passes the Island on the way to LA. Everything is under water, but we see that Dharma was there, even the shark is still roaming the area. Radzinsky and his folks in the cool black jumpsuits drill into the pocket… and the catastrophe insues. Our time travellers were not there to stop this. Miles could not tell his father to start the evacuation, so he dies as a baby. Faraday was not in Ann Arbor, hurrying to the island with his plan to use the fission core to counter the Incident. Jughead was never hidden in the tunnels, because Faraday did not timejump to 1954. The Incident hits the Island, the Dharma Initiative and the Hostiles, totall unprepared. No one survives, and the Island drowns 1977. Rousseau and her team never set foot on the Island. Charles Widmore never becomes a business magnate in the UK. There is no Hatch, and no Desmond pushing the button. No crash. The lifes of Jack, Kate and everybody else are influenced by this. I don't know what the destruction of the Island in 1977 means for the game between Jacob and Esau, but I am sure that he visited our friends in Lost B. It is the only way for Locke to survive that fatherly push…


  1. Turanga Leela 1: Fine, you be crummy Universe "A", and we'll be Universe "1".
    Philip J. Fry 1: Yeah, or the Mongooses, that's a good team name. "The Fighting Mongooses."

    But honestly, I cant go for flash sideways. The flashes moved you around the timeline, this bi-fracted the timeline. Previously those affected retained their memories as they flashed to and from various timelines. In this case, as far as we can tell, the Mongoose universe has no awareness of universe A. The island is underwater, and the 815'ers land, with no knowledge of anything that transpired. Meanwhile Universe A has no knowledge of them not crashing.

    The impact triggered plutonium grenade seems to have cause an unforeseen timeline ourse correction in response to the attempt by our losties to manipulate the timelin, I think it created a bifracted/binary timeline. More course corrections could maybe rejoin the timelines?

    Jacob can leave the island, MIB cannot. In the mongoose universe, could MIB be trapped beneath the ocean while Jacob lives?

    Could Jacobs plan all along to have been to survive MIB's plot by creating the bifracted timeline and thwart MIB when the timeline rejoins pulling the old rope-a-dope on his nemesis?

    And did jack cut his neck or get stuck with district 9 toxin? Could the wound be the first sign of mutation?

    Finally, the ongoing dispute over "which is cooler pirates or ninja's" gets another point in the pirate score thanks to LOST...

  2. Good point, Milo!

  3. Hey thorsten -- great job!

    I realize this is semantics as to the "flash" sideways, but I agree with the Rev. It's not exactly a flash in that our 2 timelines remain separate (so far). ALTJack seems to be having some type of deja vu, and of course ALTDes is probably also special.

    Your explanation of the ATL (LOST B) could still be seen as a separate, not linked, ATL -- where the unopposed destabilization of the EM anomaly (without TTing ALT LOSTies to do so) leads to the "sinking" of the Island with no direct relationship to the detonation of Jugehad's fission core in LOST-Prime. This is exactly the type of separate but similar ATL that I was thinking about earlier. WHH afterall, huh?
